Academic Accommodations

Accommodations are modifications in the classroom and test environment that provide students with disabilities equal access to academic opportunities.
To review the process for establishing accommodations see "Getting Started."
To renew accommodations previously established with the Accessibility Center, please got to CougarAccess beginning of each semester to send letters. When a student sends letters, it will notify professors that letters are available for them to view on CougarAccess. If the student would also like to hand-deliver a hard copy to instructors, the student can download the letters as PDFs and print them out. Keep in mind that letters of accommodation must be sent each new semester or term. If you have any issues with sending accommodations letters, please contact the front desk by calling 801-422-2767 or emailing
Please follow the instructions below:
- Go to CougarAccess
- Check the box next to each class for which you want an accommodation letter
- Choose “Send Letters”
- Review list of classes and accommodations. If correct, choose “Confirm and Send Letters.” Your professor will be notified that letters are available on CougarAccess.
- If your list of accommodations does not appear to be correct, click "report issue" and/or contact the front desk (
- Contact the professor to coordinate the implementation of the accommodation, if needed
- You can track when you have sent a letter to a professor and when the professor has opened the letter on the left hand column of the screen.
- Although letter delivery will be electronic, we still encourage direct communication with your instructor in the interactive process, particularly if your accommodations require coordination with your instructor (e.g., determining a reasonable number of absences up front if you have leniency with absences; determining optimal seating if you have preferred seating; etc.).