Temporary Conditions Skip to main content

Temporary Conditions

Image of a woman with a leg brace and woman with a backpack walking along a path, talking with each other.
Temporary Condition Policy

Temporary conditions such as broken limbs, surgery, and flu are not usually considered disabilities. It is appropriate for students with temporary conditions to work directly with their professors instead of going through the Accessibility Center. However, these students may visit with an Accessibility Center coordinator to brainstorm options for handling their situation. Volunteer services provided by the Accessibility Center (e.g., note taker, exam reader/scribe) may be considered. Documentation from the treating physician will be required. To receive services, please fill out the Temporary Condition Initial Meeting Form and call the Accessibility Center front desk to schedule an appointment. For additional information, see Requesting and Receiving Services for Temporary Conditions.

Special Consideration for Pregnancy

Assistance may be available for pregnant student's through BYU’s Title IX Office. They can be contact at https://titleix.byu.edu/titleix/contact-us.

Although pregnancy is not typically seen as a disability, pregnant women may have impairments that qualify as disabling conditions. If a student’s concerns are beyond those experienced in a typical pregnancy, they may benefit from consultation with a coordinator at the Accessibility Center. Please contact the Accessibility Center to schedule an appointment at 801-422-2767.