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Campus Accessibility Information


  • If an automatic door opener is malfunctioning, please call Access Services at (801) 422-5521 so the door can be serviced in an expedited manner. Alternatively, an accessibility concern request may be submitted here.
  • Finding Disability Parking on BYU Campus

    • Go to Under "Accessibility Access" (menu on right), choose "Accessible Parking"

      See below for more detail instructions on parking stalls eligible for use with disability placards.

    Obtaining a Disability or Temporary Disability Parking Placard

    Students and employees wishing to use disability parking must apply for those privileges through a state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The Utah DMV can issue disability parking placards even if the vehicle is registered in another state. If you need a disability parking placard for long term or temporary use, you may request one by following these instructions:

    1. Go to
    2. Download or print Form TC-842 found in the "Obtaining Plates or Placards" section on the webpage
    3. After a licensed physician (not a psychologist or counselor) completes the TC-842 form, you can apply for the plate or placard in person at the DMV or by mail

    BYU Disability Parking Guidelines

    Any person who has a disability and who properly displays a valid disability placard (placard must be hung from mirror) or disability license plate issued by a state may park in a designated disability stall as long as it is not reserved for a specific disability placard number.

    Placards are valid only when the person to whom the placard is issued is either in the vehicle or being picked-up or dropped off. Placards misused in this manner will be seized and returned to the issuing state and a citation may be issued.

    A valid state placard or license plate for persons with a disability does not authorize parking in areas designated for emergency use (red curbs), outside marked parking stalls, nor in specially designated stalls, such as Service, Official, Police Service, X stalls, Departmental stalls, etc.

    Disability placards or plates are valid in "A", "C", "G", or "Y" lots and in time zones (only those displaying clock symbols on the parking sign) for extended periods of time when designated disability slots are unavailable, unless otherwise restricted. These stalls are available for use by individuals with a disability placard or plate even if the stalls are not specifically labeled as disability parking stalls.

    Examples of stalls that are "otherwise restricted" include but are not limited to:

    X (Special University Guest Parking)
    O (Dean Parking)
    Service Vehicle Stalls
    Stalls reserved for a specific permit number
    Sports Official stalls
    Departmental stalls
    Police stalls

    For more information about specific requirements related to parking, please see

    In an effort to ensure the availability of disability parking stalls for qualified individuals, BYU parking officials may ask permit users if the permit belongs to them. This is a protocol to ensure availability of stalls for qualified users and is not a reflection of disbelief on the part of parking personnel.

    If the available disability parking stalls at BYU do not meet your disability-related needs, please contact the Accessibility Center front desk (801-422-2767;
  • To view maps of disability features by building:

    • Go to
    • Under "Accessibility Access" (menu on right), choose desired accessibility features to view
    • Click "Indoor" button (on right)
    • Choose a campus building
    • To view accessibility features on different floors, use the stair feature (on left)
  • A list of detailed single user restrooms can be found here (wheelchair accessibility, nursing stations information included).
    • Download the BYU app
    • Under "Features" search for "Dining" (found under "Food & Money")
    • Launch the "Dining" feature
    • Choose a dining location
    • Choose "Nutrition Information"