Physical Disabilities Skip to main content

Physical Disabilities

  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 defines a person with a disability as “any person who has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, sleeping, standing, lifting, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, helping, eating, bending, or operation of a bodily function."
  • There are many conditions which may be considered a physical disability, and the diagnoses are varied. However, a few examples are chronic migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, spinal cord injury, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, missing limb(s), etc.
  • 1. Complete the initial meeting form here.

    2. Schedule an Intake Appointment with one of our coordinators by calling 801-422-2767. This appointment will take approximately 60 minutes and will review your history and symptoms.

    3. Bring a copy of your documentation supporting your diagnosis to the intake appointment. If you do not have written documentation of your diagnosis, please have your medical provider complete the Documentation of Disability form and return it to the Accessibility Center in person or via fax (801-422-0174).

    4. During your Intake Appointment your coordinator will review your information and determine what accommodations and/or required further evaluation is applicable.
  • You are welcome to schedule an appointment with the coordinator even if you don't know if your physical limitation constitutes a disability. The coordinator can help determine if you qualify for accommodations.
  • 1. Complete the initial meeting form here.

    2. Contact the Accessibility Center front desk (801-422-2767) and schedule an intake appointment with one of our disability coordinators. This appointment will take about 60 minutes and will review your history and symptoms.

    3. At your intake appointment, your coordinator will talk to you about visiting a medical provider to see if you meet criteria for an physical disability.

    4. If you meet with a medical provider and the professional diagnoses you with a disability, have him/her complete a Documentation of Disability Form and return it to the Accessibility Center in person or via fax (801-422-0174).

    While the general convention is to have documentation of a disability before meeting with us, if you experience any problems obtaining documentation, please feel free to schedule an appointment with a coordinator, who will talk with you about your options. These options may possibly include receiving provisional accommodations or we may connect you with resources outside of our office.