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Send an Accommodation Letter
Bonus Features


  • Go to CougarAccess
  • Check the box next to each class for which you want an accommodation letter
  • Choose “Send Letters”
  • Review list of classes and accommodations. If correct, choose “Confirm and Send Letters.” Your professor will be notified that letters are available on CougarAccess. (If your list of accommodations does not appear to be correct, see the "Troubleshooting" tab
  • Contact the professor to coordinate the implementation of the accommodation, if needed

Instructional Videos:

What if my list of accommodations looks incorrect?

  • If you feel that any of your accommodations are incorrect or see other issues, do not send your letters. Instead, choose “Report Issue” to notify your coordinator about your concerns.

What if the “Send Letters” button isn’t there?

  • Prior to the Withdrawal deadline (see Academic Calendar for specific dates):
    • Click the “Request Accommodations” button and a coordinator will review your case and make contact with you.
  • After the Withdrawal deadline (see Academic Calendar for specific dates):
    • Choose the “Request Letters” button and answer the question in the popup. Your coordinator will review your request. If approved, the letters will be sent to your professors and the status will be changed to “sent” in your portal.

The menu at the top will take you to the following information:


  • Lists of all active and expired accommodations
  • Accommodation expirations dates
  • Instructions for implementing accommodations


  • Upload new documentation for review
  • View status of uploaded documentation

Meet with a Coordinator

  • Request a meeting with your coordinator or see contact information for the Accessibility Center front desk