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The Two Hour Job Search

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At A Glance...


• This is a high-level overview of the book, “The 2-Hour Job Search” by Steve Dalton

• “The 2-Hour Job Search” shows you how to work smarter and faster-using resources like google Docs, LinkedIn, Alumni Databases, etc. to create a list of target employers, contact them, and get the first interview with only two hours of effort

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Problems You Face:

It’s no secret that technology and networking have changed the way we look for work. There are two main problems you will encounter in your search for a job.

Problem 1:

Technology has made it easier to apply for a job, which means employers receive lots of applications for each job posting.

Problem 2:

There are more companies (and jobs) out there than you are aware of. In fact, 99.9% of companies have fewer than 500 employees, but the 0.1% have the most brand recognition.

In his book titled, The 2-Hour Job Search, Steve Dalton identifies three steps to overcome these problems and helps you identify, prioritize, and contact prospective employers so you can land that first interview.

We’ve summarized his strategy as follows:

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1. Prioritize Target Employers

First, make a list of interesting companies (potential employers) and follow a process to rank those companies. There are many great tools to help you find relevant companies including LinkedIn, Career Shift, and See the LAMP List handout for more details.

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LinkedIn is a networking resource that connects working professionals to each other and to prospective professionals. You can find BYU alumni and other special interest groups that might encompass your industr(y/ies) of interest. In order to get the most out of your LinkedIn experience, you need to create a profile. Visit the following websites for guidance to create your profile:

- Overall profile:

- About section:

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Career Shift

Career Shift provides a platform for you to implement and organize your job search efforts. You can place companies of interest and specific job postings into respective folders, and you can calendar your various follow-up items to maximize your job search efficiency.

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The LAMP list allows you to compile and finalize your work from The 2-Hour job Search. The following links give you access to a LAMP list template and a video to guide you through the creation of the list:

LAMP list template:

LAMP list video:

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2. Contact Target Employers

Next, identify key people you can talk to at each of your top companies. You will find them using resources such as Career Shift, LinkedIn, and Then, send them an email to set up an informational interview. The goal is to find “boosters” within each of your top companies. See the Networking Emails handout for details on how to format your initial and follow-up emails.

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BYU Connect

BYU Connect is the premier resource to connect BYU alumni with current students. You have the opportunity to contact individual alumni directly. Additionally, you can explore and join a variety of special interest groups.

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Informational Interview

The informational interview is a meeting in which you can seek advice on your career, the industry, and the corporate culture of a potential future workplace. Additionally, an employed professional learns about you and judges your professional potential and fit to that corporate culture, thereby building the candidate pool for future hires. The following link will guide you to prepare to conduct the interviews:

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3. Recruit Advocates to Provide Internal Referrals

Your goal is to make a connection with some key people at each of your top companies. To do this, you’ll need to set up some low-pressure networking meetings where you will ask questions about them, their career, and the company they work for. Be a good listener and they will start to take an interest in you. When a contact takes interest in you, stay in touch with that person. Having an advocate inside the company is the top strategy for landing an interview. See the Career Exploration Interview handout for more details.
If you need help with any step along the way, contact your career director through BYU Career Services.

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Networking Email

In order to secure an informational interview, you must reach out to professionals to request them. The following link will give you tips to compose outreach emails: